Happy New Year everyone! I am blessed to once again see another year! I am beginning another year with love and happiness. I remember how unhappy I used to be a few years ago. I remember when I used to sit around and cry. I am glad I don’t have to go through that again. I don’t have to hurt because of this person. I made it through another year with the pain he brought me, without the hurt he brought me, and the tears.
So I would just like to say that as I look back and continue to move forward, I can do it knowing you are way behind me. Far in the past. I don’t have to sit up in the middle of the night and continue to wonder where you are or what you are doing.I don’t have to be degraded, disrespected or called out of my name.I don’t have to hold my tongue for fear of being slapped. I can be happy. I can be me. I can be free!
As 2014 Ends….
Are you guys ready for 2015?! I am. I have some good things happening for me. If all goes well I will be getting my certificate in Deaf Communications. I will also be traveling once again to my favorite place! I’m pretty sure you can guess what… Jamaica!! I freaking love it there!
The year 2014 has also taught me a few things. I learned that no matter how nice you are, how well you take care of your kids or whatever good you do, or how good things are going for you, someone will always have something bad to say about you. No matter what.
I learned to ignore people like this, because they are not happy with themselves. They hate to see you doing good and doing better than them.
I also learned that I really need to work on my forgiveness. I have a lot of things built up in me that I feel I would explode if asked about certain things if I were to come across certain people. I still have room to work on me.
I also plan on getting back into shape. I got a little too happy and lazy and just stopped working out and eating right. It’s okay though. I still have plenty of room to work on me.
What are some things you learned in 2014? What did you work on and what did you change?
Happy New Year everyone! Be safe. See you in 2015!
Hey everyone! Happy holidays. I wanted to write a little bit about forgiveness. This is something that I struggle with. A LOT. I know some people probably have the same issue as well. Every now and then while I am cooking, watching a movie or mostly driving, my mind always travels back to a few years ago. I find myself getting so angry at what I allowed myself to go threw. I get mad at mainly at the person who did me wrong. This person has been out of my life for quite some time now. As soon as I think I can get over it. BAM! My mind goes back. I don’t get sad, just flat out pissed! Why can’t I get over that? Why can’t I allow myself to be free of those thoughts? It’s done, it’s over , and I’m free! Why haven’t I been able to forgive? I would really love to forgive and completely forget. I am very happy now. Any thoughts? Comments? Help!
You Don’t Know Me!
This is a rant that I should have posted months ago! Like eight months ago! So here goes!
Okay so my kids ,mom, and I were coming back from California. We had just left from a wonderful vacation at Disneyland. We were waiting in the passenger pick up lane and we walked past an older lady who was maybe in her 50’s or 60’s. She tells me that my children are pretty, proceeds to ask me “Are ALL those yours?” followed with a “Hmm you’ve been busy” comment..
I didn’t have anything to say to this lady but “Yes ma’am” and “Thank you”. Later on I thought about that short conversation that I had with her and I started to get angry. Have you ever had a conversation with someone and they call themselves saying something dumb or out of the way to you or about and you don’t have a comeback until later on when it doesn’t even matter? Well this is how I felt. I felt this way because she didn’t even know anything about me and here she was judging me. Maybe it’s just me. Sometimes I know that I can be really sensitive but this time I don’t think I was overreacting.
I thought about what I would have said to her. I replayed the conversation in my head. I wanted to tell her, “Yes I’ve been busy, yes ALL those are mine, BUT I was also married when I had my kids and NOW my husband is deceased”. Let’s not get it twisted!I wasn’t just running around getting knocked up by whoever. Why are people so quick to judged another? I’m pretty sure she is in no way, shape, or form perfect. No one is! Even still she shouldn’t have been judging me! She is not God! She did not know my story or my situation.
People need not to be so judgemental. You never know what the next person has been through. What if the one horrible thing you say to a person is the last thing that they ever hear? That’s all for my rant everyone. See you in the next blog.
The Toni Wig Pt. 2
I absolutely love this wig! I got it from Tonidaley.com in the color 1b. I have gotten so many compliments on this hair! It blends in well with my natural hair. If you don’t have one get one. It comes in different colors!