What’s up everyone? Okay so I am watching Love and Hip Hop Atlanta and this show is so freaking messy. It’s so much drama and the situations are so f*cked up. Baby mama drama, cheating and lying. I don’t know if some of it’s just for television or what, but as I watch this it makes me so freaking glad that I don’t have to deal with this mess.
When I look back at my last relationship it is taking everything in me not to stop what I’m doing and start shouting! I thank God and I am so glad I don’t have to deal with that anymore. If I would have stayed in that bull my life would be miserable.
When it comes to drama I try to stay as far away from it as possible. I shut down, I cut the person off, you won’t hear from me. The closest I like to get to drama is watching it on television and that’s it. Drama just caused me stress, unhappiness and it started messing with my sanity and health. It had me snapping on people that didn’t deserve it. I had to let it go. Things are so much better for me since I dismissed all that. I’m so much more happier and a better person. Plus I had my 3 beautiful kids to think about.
If I can do it so can you. Tell yourself F*ck the drama because you ain’t got time!!
Sis you crazy lol but yes shout for that tesimony
Lol you know it but yeah I went ahead and shouted because things could be so much worse.