Hello everyone! It’s been far too long since I have written anything. I have definitely been slacking.
I have made myself a travel bucket list of some place I would love to travel to. I love to travel in fact I think travel should have been my middle name. I love to see new places, and try new foods, and meet new people. Here are some of the places.
I would love to see Hawaii. I hear the island is absolutely beautiful! My kids were able to go in 2014 and I was low key jealous, but they had a blast.

Barbados! It’s where Rihanna is from. They have many festivals and events. Also with its rich history and multiple activities to do, I know I’d love it there.

Atlanta, Georgia. I know you are probably like, “But that’s in the states”. Yes I know, but I have never been and it has so much history there. I had a connecting flight through there and I was so impressed by the airport. LOL

California. Now I’ve been to Anaheim when I took the kids to DisneyLand but that’s it. I didn’t get to explore California and eat the food. I told myself when I was 11 I would go and see everything that state has to offer. I want to see the house from the show Charmed, I want to see the Hollywood sign, go on tours, and just explore. It’s definitely a must.

Puerto Rico. I must try the food there! It’s one of the 52 places to visit in 2019. I need to step up my Spanish speaking skills. Did you know that you can go surfing there? I didn’t. You can get mixology lessons in San Juan. It has so many different cultures and dancing!

Negril, Jamaica. the boo is set on always going to Montego Bay because the ride to and from the airport is short. Maybe one day I can convince him. I heard the beaches here are sooo beautiful! Of course I been to Jamaica before but never to Negril. Home of the seven mile beach where there is seven miles of a golden sand beach.

Those are just a few on my list. What’s on your list?